
Sample -- 10th anniversary

Some words of acclaim are in order
A verbalized pat on the back
For two who have artfully travelled
Ten years on the marital track.
They say that what happens in Vegas
Remains there, but facts don’t agree:
What Kelly and Peter began there
Thrives by the beach in O.C.
A Catholic boy in the ad biz
Found surfing when not on the job
Plus one tea-obsessed Jewish food pro
Makes Hibbity Bibbity Cobb.
Her carefully packed healthy lunches
Were key to his slimmed-down physique;
He takes the kids yard-sale blitzing
To let her sleep in once a week.
Their family ties and their children
Are valued above their great passions
For snowboarding, camping and flip-flops 
As all-purpose high-end foot fashion.
A shiny new decade lies waiting
And in it we hope that they find
Happiness, health, love increasing
As much pleasure ahead as behind.

© 2008 Marla Landers-Renouf/Short-Order Verse